Colaboration Montauk II. Rotterdam.
Works of art which come out of collaborating with other people.
dated 2004 until 2004
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Montauk II / De Aanschouw 2004
The Willem de Kooning year, Rotterdam 2004 is officially opened with this art installation. Ties Ten Bosch, Wink Witholt and Camilio van Lenteren created a site specific and year specific art work for the smallest exhibition space in the Witte de Wit street, Rotterdam. The painting 'Montauk ll', by Willem de Kooning, was choosen as leading theme in this celebration year of Willem de Kooning. As this painting is obiously to large to fit in this space they placed a reminder of this painint in the form of a capture, the white cube insite could inspire the viewer of visualize the colours they want. Capture:
Montauk II
Willem de Kooning (1904 - 1997)
1969 - oil on canvas
Also see:

De Aanschouw Preview Sketch
2004This is 'Cafe De Schouw' with (look at de small showcase at the wall right) also what is called the smallest gallery of 'Wittedewitstraat', a very well known gallery museum street in Rotterdam, Holland. The spaces is small, but we asked our selfs, can we open up this show case gallery to real public and make it a public space.

Montauk II / De Aanschouw 2004

Capture: Montauk II
The Willem de Kooning year, Rotterdam 2004 is officially opened with this art installation. The painting 'Montauk ll', by Willem de Kooning, was choosen as leading theme in this celebration year of Willem de Kooning. As this painting is obiously to large to fit in this space they placed a reminder of this painint in the form of a capture, the white cube insite could inspire the viewer of visualize the colours they want.
Montauk II
Willem de Kooning (1904 - 1997)
1969 - oil on canvas

Montauk II / opening night
2004Opening night with visitor in the installation.

Montauk II visited
2004Different visitors, different responses.