White elements / Trees & White elements. Weimar Buchenwald Concentration Camp / My Memorial for Weimar Buchenwald. Germany.
dated 2008 until 2008
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White Element 008 / Before / After
Weimar Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany.
White Element 008 (before / after) /
White ribbon soft paper on tree.
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. Buchenwald Concentration Camp, 1937–1945
In July 1937, the SS has the forest cleared on the Ettersberg near Weimar and builds a new concentration camp in its place. The purpose of the camp is to combat political opponents, persecute Jews, Sinti and Roma, and permanently ostracize “strangers to the community” – among them homosexuals, homeless persons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-convicts. After the war begins, people are deported to Buchenwald from all over Europe. Altogether more than 250,000 persons are ultimately imprisoned in the concentration camp. By the end of the war, Buchenwald is the largest concentration camp in the German Reich. More than 56,000 die there as the result of torture, medical experiments and consumption. The “Little Camp” nevertheless becomes the “hell of Buchenwald”. The enfeebled inmates continue to die by the thousands right up until the camp’s liberation.

White Element 008 / Before
Weimar Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany.
White Element 008 (before)
White ribbon soft paper on tree.
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here.

White Element 008 / After
Weimar Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany.
White Element 008 (before)
White ribbon soft paper on tree.
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here.

White Element 008 / After
Weimar Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany.
White Element 008 (before)
White ribbon soft paper on tree.
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here.

White Element 009 / Before / After
Weimar Soviet Special Camp No. 2
White Element 009 (before / after)
White soft paper ribbon on tree and memorial pole.
2008. Soviet Special Camp No. 2 1945-1950
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here. The so-called Special Camp 2 Buchenwald was one of the altogether ten camps and three prisons located in the Soviet-occupied zone and used by the occupying power for the internment of Germans. The Soviet Security Service took charge of the still-existing structural facilities of Buchenwald Concentration Camp beginning from August 1945 and initially committed persons from the region. Primarily local functionaries of the NSDAP, but also adolescents and victims of denunciation were interned. All contact to the outside was prohibited, and no trials of an even remotely legal nature took place. In the winter of 1946-47 more than 7,000 of the 28,000 inmates died as a result of hunger-related diseases. The camp was dissolved by the Soviets in February 1950, shortly after the founding of the GDR.

White Element 009 / Before
Weimar Soviet Special Camp No. 2
White Element 009 (before / after)
White soft paper ribbon on tree and memorial pole.
2008. Soviet Special Camp No. 2 1945-1950
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear.

White Element 009 / After
Weimar Soviet Special Camp No. 2
White Element 009 (before / after)
White soft paper ribbon on tree and memorial pole.
2008. Soviet Special Camp No. 2 1945-1950
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here.

White Element 009 / After
Weimar Soviet Special Camp No. 2
White Element 009 (before / after)
White soft paper ribbon on tree and memorial pole.
2008. Soviet Special Camp No. 2 1945-1950
This artwork is a reminder of me being in this camp and it make's me able to show you this spot trough an art installation by a mall intervention. The installation once was in real time out there, but after some rain and sun the white soft paper ribbon will disappear. In remeberance and respect to all who lost their lives out here.